Although there is no convoy or men that have absolutely over the Forex market, but there are several factors that is capable to give a big impact to forex market moves.
1. The first group is from big Corporate / Multinational Company, which they often trade and dealing with currency pair across the country.
2. Second group come from brokers themselves. They act as a platform or medium among the individual professionals, brokers and even banks.
3. The third group is from Bank institution. Especially Central Bank of the state. Each time the government changes their internal policies often the moves of Forex market also changed.
Forex broker
As discussed before, every time we trade in forex, we actually buy or sell between the two foreign currencies. Every Forex Broker offers a foreign currency pair to be trade and we can access them on the platform or Trading Station provided by each broker.
To choose a good Forex Broker, you have to make sure they are registered under Futures Commission Merchant (FCM) and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) along with the National Futures Association (NFA) as the expert.
To be Forex Broker they must first get fully certificate lessen which is under guard which is very strict and difficult to obtain. Forex Broker company should meet the above requirements and follow the international regulations before they can get lessen.
Example of Forex Broker
1. Marketiva
3. CMS Forex
5. InterbankFx
6. FxSol and more
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