Forex Guide: Basics of forex Market financial trading explained for forex newbies..

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

#3 Differences between Forex market and stock

Forex Trading is far better when compare to proportionate share. This is based on several factors below:

1) There is no commission charge to the traders.

2) Transaction Cost is low.

3) Market liquidity is very high. With only one click you can earn its profit.

4) Leverage is very high with a small capital.

5) No Insider,false news and fraud syndicate as often occur in the stock market.

6) Commodity Market opens 24 hours everyday throughout the week.

The other difference between forex market and a stock is that forex market operates globally and can include any and every country of the world; stock markets on the other hand operate in shares and businesses which belong to a specific country. The forex market covered nearly every country of the world.